MaOAS Visual Poetry Exhibition 2010 (MaOAS VPE 2010)
Call:Send/ Bring: concrete/ visual poetry/ aquatic life/ mail art. Poems/artwork/photography will be shown during MaOAS 2010 in Madison, Wisconsin!
Optional Theme: Ocean Life/ Oil Spills:
Aquatic works (including environmental/ oil spill works) will be included along with works not on the theme.
Note for Madison Area Artists: Breeze In/ Breeze Out!
Participate/ Enjoy! Email attachments or bring/ send copies/ artwork to:
Matthew Stolte
19 S Franklin St Apt 1
Madison WI 53703-3078
This year's event is October 2 & 3rd, Saturday & Sunday. If work arrives on Saturday it will be shown!
Performances may occur spontaneously! After hour events likely! Vegan/ Veggie Food. Wine. Beer!
ReplyDeleteAHA! matthew!
i've been just about to share precisely this-one-youryour-call-post when i realized you did it just now!!!
ok i'll redo it just for the f/sun...
see you soon...